Basic Math

If you have ever had to find the total cost of a bill or amount of time spent on a project, you have added. You subtract when balancing a checkbook. Memorizing addition and subtraction facts will help you to move to multiplication and division of whole numbers. Often, multiplication is thought of as repeated addition. When items are being equally distributed or grouped, division is being used. When you figure the average gas mileage a vehicle gets, you are dividing. If you are buying more than one of the same item, you could multiply to find the total cost. When figuring your monthly income you use multiplication as well. You may have the following questions:
- How do I add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers?
- Are there any special rules I can use?
Key Terms
- Addends - The numbers being added.
- Difference - The result of a subtraction problem.
- Division - The arithmetic operation that finds how many times a number is contained in another number.
- Divisor - Number by which you are dividing.
- Dividend - A number that is divided.
- Factors - Numbers being multiplied.
- Multiplication - Repeated addition.
- Product - Result of multiplication.
- Quotient - Answer to a division problem.
- Remainder - Amount left over when dividing.
- Sum - The result of the addition.
- Whole Number - The set of numbers 0,1,2,3,4,…,